Silicone Popsicle Mold

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Silicone Popsicle Mold

Name: Silicone Popsicle Mold, Ice Cream Mold, Popsicle Silicone Material: Food grade silicone Unit weight: 0.04kg Color: solid color, mixed color Product quality level: FDA Summer is the season to eat ice cream popsicles. If you want to make various flavors of ice cream, a set of popsicle molds is indispensable. The common ice cream molds are popsicle silicone
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Product description

Silicone popsicles are also known as popsicles. The main ingredient of silicone is food mold silicone. It has good chemical stability. It does not react with any acid or alkali except in the two very special cases of caustic alkali and hydrofluoric acid. The temperature range is -40℃-230℃. It is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. It is widely used in the production of popsicle molds. Also known as: Popsicle Silicone, Popsicle Glue, Popsicle Silicone, Popsicle Silicone Rubber, Popsicle Silicone.

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Company address:

103, 1st floor, building 7, Ailian Industrial Zone, Wulian Xieping, Longcheng street, Longgang District, Shenzhen

contact information:
 0755-28962355  /  fengbo@delongsz.cn

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